The Kretinga Manor Hospital
Coordinates: 55.899205 21.259621
Object address: Vytauto street 2, Padvariai village, Kretinga district, Lithuania
Municipality: Kretinga district
Sometime around 1875, Count Juozapas Tiškevičius organised the construction of a hospital near the second pond of the manor. The single floor structure was built from red bricks. A physician was hired to treat the manor residents, workers, servants and their families. Countess Sofija also established and maintained the home for orphans and the elderly.
In 1898, the sister of the Count, Marija Tiškevičiūtė, established the first Lithuanian kindergarten. The manor hired a governess, whose duties were to take care of the children as well as to teach them how to read, write, and to do their chores around the house. It is believed that the preschool was open until 1915. During World War I, the location was transformed into a quicklime factory, while during the Soviet era, it was converted into a residential building.
It is a state-protected cultural heritage. It belongs to the complex of the Kretinga Manor Farmstead.
Source: Kretingos enciklopedija