The Plungė Children’s Library, Established in the Building of the State Forest Enterprise

Coordinates: 55.915259 21.844677

Object address: Laisves alley 19, Plunge, Lithuania

Municipality: Plungė district

The Plungė State Forest Enterprise was built in 1936, in the Plungė Park, next to the Babrungas River. According to the elderly locals, the Plungė state forest enterprise officer used to live in this building. During the war, the building was taken over by German and, later, Russian soldiers. The writings that were found in the cellars of the the building lead to believe that prisoners were kept here. During Soviet rule, the building housed the regional party committee. In 1978, the building became the new home of the Plungė District Central Library. Violeta Skierienė took over as director in 1980.

During the years of Lithuania’s revival, Sąjūdis (the Reform Movement of Lithuania) moved into the building and on October 31st, 1988, the Lithuanian flag was raised above the library for the first time in Plungė.

The Plungė Central Library, which was later renamed to the Plungė District Public Library, was in operation until 2012. During that same year, the clock and conservatory were renovated and the library was moved to another building. The former library housed books for adults only, but later it established a children’s section, which is still present in the building.

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