Lietuvininku Square

Coordinates: 55.718603 21.128511

Object address: Lietuvininku Square, Klaipeda, Lithuania

Municipality: Klaipėda

Current Lietuvininkų square has had several names – Liepaja, Hindenburg, Immanuel Kant, Lenin, Pergalės (the Victory), from the time of independance it was called Lietuvininkų Square.

After 1854 fire this area was planted by trees, whereas the square was built only in the beginning of the 20th century. At one edge of the square there were driven the tram rails, leading to the railway station. A bit later there was designed a rectangular square, which has been called Liepaja Square. It had a name of Hindenburg, whereas the Lithuanians called it Immanuel Kant‘s Square. 

On 27 May 1945 in this square there was unveiled monument, built according to the project of engineer captain Malyšev and lance-corporal Pazdejev, dedicated to commemorate victory over Nazi Germany – it was Cannon, faced to the Western side, which „participated“ in city battles against Nazis. The square named in behalf of Lenin. In 1976 the Square was renamed in behalf of Pergalės (the Victory), and Cannon was raised on a high granite pedestal. In this square various manifestations, rallies took place, there were celebrated Victory Day and the days of the liberation of the city. After having regained the Independance in 1990, the Square was named in behalf of Lithuanians – residents of Lithuania Minor, whereas former pedestal with cannon was demolished and now the cannon is exposed in the History Museum of Lithuania Minor. In September 1997 commemorating 450th anniversary of publication of the first Lithuanian book „Catechism“, in this square a monument to its author Martynas Mažvydas was built.

Compiled in 2014

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