Grave monument for the Gerlach family

Coordinates: 55.717687 21.140739

Object address: Sculpture Park, Klaipeda, Lithuania

Municipality: Klaipėda

The grave monument for the Gerlach family was opened in Klaipėda Sculpture Park on 28 September 2016.
The grave monument for the prominent merchant Hermann Gerlach (1846–1913) and his wife Marie Gerlach (1855–1937) was restored to its primary location, since the modern-day Sculpture Park was established on the grounds of the former cemetery.
The patron family of Gerlachs were buried in the Old Cemetery of Memel (Memel Städtischer Friedhof), which was eliminated in 1975. The granitic monument from the Gerlach grave was sheltered in the yard of the History Museum of Lithuania Minor. The monument was allowed to be restored to its original location in 2014 by the initiative of J. Šikšnelis, Director of Klaipėda I. Simonaitytė Public Library, and D. Varkalis. The project was implemented by the architect Rolandas Rakevičius, who kindly agreed to do it free of charge at the request of Sondra Simanaitienė, Director of the Park. The foundation for the monument was cast and the mounting of the monument was also done for free by Aldas Kliukas, Head of UAB Pamario Restauratorius company. The monument was renovated by Arūnas Beržanskas, Head of UAB Kisinai company.
On 26 July 2016 the monument was restored to Klaipėda Sculpture Park.

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